Applying for PERMANENT CASUALFirst Name Last Name Preferred name Gender MALE FEMALE AddressStreet number and name City State Postcode Mobile Home Phone Email Vehicle Make & Model No Registration No Date of birth Languages spoken Aboriginal EnglishAcehneseAcholiAdélie Land (France)AdnymathanhaAdnymathanhaAfrican LanguagesAfrican Languages, necAfrikaansAkanAlawaAlbanianAlngithAlyawarrAmerican LanguagesAmharicAmharicAmurdakAnindilyakwaAnmatyerr, necAntekerrepenhAntikarinyaAnuakArabanaArabicArandic, necArmenianAromunianArrernte, necAssameseAssyrian Neo-AramaicAuslanAustralian Indigenous LanguagesAzeriBaanbayBadimayaBalineseBalochiBandjalangBanyjimaBarababarabaBardiBariBasqueBassaBatjalaBelorussianBembaBengaliBidjaraBikolBilinarraBisayaBislamaBosnianBulgarianBunubaBurarraBurarran, necBurmanBurmeseBurmese and Related Languages, necCantoneseCape York Peninsula AboriginalCape York Peninsula Aboriginal, necCatalanCebuanoCelticCeltic, necCentral AboriginalCentral AnmatyerrChaldean Neo-AramaicChin HakaChineseChinese, necCroatianCzechCzechoslovakianDaatiwuyDadi DadiDalabonDan (Gio-Dan)DanishDariDhalwanguDhanggattiDhangu, necDharawalDhayyi, necDhivehiDhuwal, necDhuwala, necDhuwayaDinkaDiyariDjabugayDjabwurrungDjambarrpuynguDjanguDjapuDjarrwarkDjinang, necDjinbaDjinba, necDravidianDravidian, necDutchDyirbalEastern AboriginalEastern AnmatyerrEastern ArrernteEastern European LanguagesEnglishEweFijianFijian HindustaniFilipinoFinnishFinnish and Related Languages, necFrenchFrisianFulfuldeGaelicGalpuGamberaGamilaraayGanalbinguGarrwaGaruwaliGeorgianGermanGilberteseGirramayGithabulGolumalaGooniyandiGreekGudanjiGudjalGugu YalanjiGujaratiGumatjGumbaynggirGun-nartpaGundjeihmiGupapuynguGurindjiGurindji KriolGurr-goniGuugu YimidhirrGuyamirrililiHakkaHarariHausaHawaiian EnglishHazaraghiHebrewHindiHmongHmong-MienHmong-Mien, necHungarianIbanIberian RomanceIberian Romance, necIcelandicIgboIIokanoIlonggo (Hiligaynon)Indo-AryanIndo-Aryan, necIndonesianInvented LanguagesIranicIranic, necIrishItalianIwaidjaJaminjungJapaneseJaruJavaneseJawiJawoynJinguluKalaw Lagaw YaKanaiKannadaKarajarriKarenKariyarraKartujarraKashmiriKaurnaKayardildKaytetyeKeerray-WoorroongKhmerKijaKikuyuKimberley Area Languages, necKinyarwanda (Rwanda)Kirundi (Rundi)KiwaiKoko-BeraKonkaniKoreanKpelleKrahnKrioKriolKugu MuminhKukathaKukatjaKunbarlangKuneKuninjkuKunwinjkuKunwinjkuan, necKurdishKuuk ThayorreKuuku-YauKuwemaLadji LadjiLamalamaLaoLardilLarrakiyaLatinLatvianLetzeburgishLiberian (Liberian English)Light WarlpiriLithuanianLiyagalawumirrLiyagawumirrLoma (Lorma)LugandaLumun (Kuku Lumun)LuoLuritjaMacedonianMadarrpaMadiMakatonMalak MalakMalayMalayalamMalnginMalteseMandaean (Mandaic)MandarinMandinkaMangalaMangarrayiManggaliliMannManyjalpinguManyjilyjarraMaori (CI)Maori (NZ)MarathiMaringarrMarraMarramaninyshiMarranguMarridan (Maridan)MarrithiyelMartu WangkaMatngalaMaungMauritian CreoleMayaliMeryam MirMiddle Eastern and North African Languages, necMin NanMiriwoongMirningMonMon-KhmerMon-Khmer, necMongolianMoro (Nuba Moro)MorrobalamaMotuMudburraMurrinh-PathaMuruwariNa-karaNarunggaNauruanNdebeleNdjébbana (Gunavidji)NepaliNgaanyatjarraNgalakganNgaliwurruNgandiNgangkikurungurrNgardiNgarinyinNgarinymanNgarlumaNgarrindjeriNgatjumayaNhanguNhangu, necNiueNon VerbalNorthern AboriginalNorthern Aboriginal, necNorthern Desert Fringe Area Languages, necNorwegianNuerNungaliNunggubuyuNyamalNyangumartaNyanja (Chichewa)NyikinaNyungarOceanian Pidgins and Creoles, necOceanic Austronesian Languages, necOceanic Pidgins and CreolesOriyaOromoOther Australian Indigenous Languages, necOther Eastern Asian Languages, necOther Eastern European Languages, necOther Southeast Asian Languages, necOther Southern Asian Languages, necOther Southern European Languages, necOther Southwest and Central Asian Languages, necOther Yolngu Matha, necPaakantyiPalyku/NyiyaparliPampanganPapua New Guinea Languages, necPashtoPintupiPitcairnesePitjantjatjaraPolishPortuguesePunjabiRéunionRembarrngaRirratjinguRitharrnguRohingyaRomanianRomanyRotumanRussianSamoanScandinavianScandinavian, necSerbianSerbo-Croatian/YugoslavianSeychelles CreoleShillukShonaSign LanguageSign Languages, necSindhiSinhaleseSlovakSloveneSolomon Islands PijinSomaliSouth SlavicSoutheast Asian Austronesian Languages, necSouthern Asian LanguagesSpanishSwahiliSwedishTagalogTaiTai, necTamilTatarTeluguTetumThaiThaynakwithThemneTibetanTigréTigrinyaTimoreseTiwiTjungundjiTjupanyTok PisinTokelauanTonganTorres Strait IslanderTswanaTuluTurkic, necTurkishTurkmenTuvaluanUkrainianUnknownUrduUygurUzbekVietnameseWaanyiWagilakWagimanWajarriWalmajarriWaluwarraWambayaWangkajungaWangkangurruWangkathaWangurriWanyjirraWardamanWargamayWarlmanpaWarlpiriWarnmanWarramiriWarumunguWelshWergaiaWest Coast AboriginalWest SlavicWestern ArrarntaWestern Desert Language, necWik NgathanWik-MungkanWiradjuriWorlaWorrorraWuWubulkarraWunambalWurlakiXhosaYakuy, necYan-NhanguYankunytjatjaraYanyuwaYapeseYawuruYiddishYidinyYindjibarndiYinhawangkaYorta YortaYorubaYulparijaYumplatok (Torres Strait Creole)YupangathiZuluNationality - Select -AfghanAlbanianAlgerianAmericanAndorranAngolanAntiguansArgentineanArmenianAustralianAustrianAzerbaijaniBahamianBahrainiBangladeshiBarbadianBarbudansBatswanaBelarusianBelgianBelizeanBenineseBhutaneseBolivianBosnianBrazilianBritishBruneianBulgarianBurkinabeBurmeseBurundianCambodianCameroonianCanadianCape VerdeanCentral AfricanChadianChileanChineseColombianComoranCongoleseCosta RicanCroatianCubanCypriotCzechDanishDjiboutiDominicanDutchEast TimoreseEcuadoreanEgyptianEmirianEquatorial GuineanEritreanEstonianEthiopianFijianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGaboneseGambianGeorgianGermanGhanaianGreekGrenadianGuatemalanGuinea-BissauanGuineanGuyaneseHaitianHerzegovinianHonduranHungarianI-KiribatiIcelanderIndianIndonesianIranianIraqiIrishIsraeliItalianIvorianJamaicanJapaneseJordanianKazakhstaniKenyanKittian and NevisianKuwaitiKyrgyzLaotianLatvianLebaneseLiberianLibyanLiechtensteinerLithuanianLuxembourgerMacedonianMalagasyMalawianMalaysianMaldivianMalianMalteseMarshalleseMauritanianMauritianMexicanMicronesianMoldovanMonacanMongolianMoroccanMosothoMotswanaMozambicanNamibianNauruanNepaleseNew ZealanderNi-VanuatuNicaraguanNigerianNigerienNorth KoreanNorthern IrishNorwegianOmaniPakistaniPalauanPanamanianPapua New GuineanParaguayanPeruvianPolishPortugueseQatariRomanianRussianRwandanSaint LucianSalvadoranSamoanSan MarineseSao TomeanSaudiScottishSenegaleseSerbianSeychelloisSierra LeoneanSingaporeanSlovakianSlovenianSolomon IslanderSomaliSouth AfricanSouth KoreanSpanishSri LankanSudaneseSurinamerSwaziSwedishSwissSyrianTaiwaneseTajikTanzanianThaiTogoleseTonganTrinidadian or TobagonianTunisianTurkishTuvaluanUgandanUkrainianUruguayanUzbekistaniVenezuelanVietnameseWelshYemeniteZambianZimbabweanWork visa number Expiry Date Passport Number Expiry Date Bank Details:Bank Name BSB Name on account Account# Tax File Number Pre-existing medical conditions Known Allergies/Diseases Medications Contact details, in case of an emergency:First Name Last Name Relationship Mobile Work Phone Resume Choose File Cover Letter Choose File I agree to allow any relevant background checks (including criminal records) to be conducted prior to & during my employment. Yes NoSignature Sign Here Date Submit Form Employee Name Date of Induction Trainer Name As part of the new employee Induction, I as the Trainer have gone through the following items with the new employee. Items that have not been completed, will not bemarked with the Trainer Initials.Employee Details Form Employee Agreement Form Piece Workers Agreement Tax File Form Fair Work Statement Superannuation Form Declaration of Pre-existing Injury Form Food Handlers Declaration Emergency Evacuation Procedure Employee Handbook reviewed and signed by employee. ITEMS COVERED ARE - Absenteeism Breaks Confidentially Dress Code Food Lockers Mobile Phones and Social Media Payroll - Clocking in and out Personal Property Smoke Free Workplace Safe Operating Procedures (SOP) Workplace Health and Safety Policy Anti-Discrimination Policy Company Issued Clothing and PPE Counselling and Disciplinary Policy Drug and Alcohol Policy Fire and Emergency Management First Aid Forklifts Hazard Chemicals Health and Hygiene Standards including Personal Health & Hygiene Policy Incident Reporting Manual Handling Return to Work Safety Committee Traffic Management Workplace Bullying and Harassment I acknowledge the abovementioned items have been given to me to read and/or complete and I understand the contents of each item and agree to uphold all the standards contained within.Signature Sign Here Date Submit Form Employee Name Position Once signed by the employee, this page is to be filed in the employee file.My signature below indicates that I have received a copy of the Marland Mushrooms Employee Handbook. I have read and understood the contents of this handbook and understand what my obligations are as an employee of Marland Mushrooms. I agree to abide by all the Marland Mushrooms Core Values and rules regarding conduct of employees. In particular to the rules regarding: absenteeism and leave clothing, uniforms and personal appearance drug and alcohol use bullying and harassment smoking on premises working hours and conditions I agree not to disclose without proper authorisation any intellectual property, trade secrets, proprietary knowledge or confidential information about the company's business both during and following my employment with the company, and to follow all rules and procedures for the protection of this information. I agree to follow all rules, guidelines, and safe work procedures in the carrying out of my duties, and to not wilfully place the health and safety of myself or others at any risk in the course of my employment. I agree to report any hazards, incidents and injuries, and unsafe conditions, and to keep the workplace in a clean and safe condition as my duties allow. If I have any questions or do not understand something going forward in my role, I know to ask my Supervisor or Manager.Print Name Date Signature Sign Here Submit Form I have been informed verbally & in writing by of my health and hygiene obligations as stated under Subdivision 1 of Division 4 of the Food Safety Standard 3.2.2 (Food Standards Code).I acknowledge and understand that I must comply with all requirements set out in Subdivision 1 of Division 4 Standards3.2.2Signature Sign Here Signature Date As part of the Marland Mushrooms Employee Handbook, I have read and understood the following: Personal Health and Hygiene Policy Division 4 - Health and Hygiene Requirements Wash your hands Policy Signature Sign Here Signature Date Submit Form Employee detailsFull name Employee D.O.B Email Phone Employee home address Have you returned from overseas or a cruise in the last 14 days? No Yes, provide detailsbelow and ensure youself-quarantine for 14 days after entering Australia.Details: Have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or had COVID-19 in the last 14 days? No Yes, provide detailsbelow and ensure you self-quarantine for 14 days after the last contact with an infectious case. Details: Have you, in the last 14 days, been in a COVID-19 hotspot as defined by the Chief Health Officer and published on the Qld Government website? No Yes, provide details below and ensure you self-quarantine for 14 days after leaving the designated hotspot. Details: Do you have, or have you had a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or other cold/flu-like symptoms in the last 72 hours? No, I am healthy and fit for work. Yes. Immediately seek medical advice and isolate immediately.Have you tested positive for COVID-19, or are you awaiting results of a COVID-19 test? No YesIf yes, have at least 10 days passed since the onset of symptoms and have you been free of all symptoms for the past 72 hours? Yes - Provide evidence of completed isolation. No. lmmediately seek medical advice and isolate immediately.Please provide details of your work history and accommodation details(locations and dates) for the 14 days prior to arriving at this workplace:Work history: Accommodation history: Employee declaration (employee to complete) If you ticked "Yes" to any of the questions above, please immediately seek advice from your If you ticked "No" for all questions above, please complete the declaration below: I, confirm I am fit and healthy to commence work at the aforementioned workplace.Signature Sign Here Date Last Update: 04/09/2020 Version: 2 Authorised: Troy MarlandUncontrolled if printed. Please check current status against document registerSubmit Form NUMBER: 058 DOC GRO-Q DATE PREPARED: 9/10/2019 PAGE: 1 of 1Name Position At present, or in the last seven days, are you suffering or have you suffered from: Temperature greater than 38°C, cough, difficulty breathing or other symptoms of COVID-19. Yes NoDiarrhoea and/or vomiting? Yes NoStomach pain, nausea or fever? Yes NoSkin infections of the hands, arms or face. For example, boils, styes, septic fingers, discharge from eye I ear I gums I mouth. Yes NoJaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes) Yes NoHave you ever had typhoid or paratyphoid fever or are you now known to be a carrier of Salmonella Typhi or Paratyphi. Yes NoAre you a carrier of any type of Salmonella? Yes NoIn the last 6 weeks, have you travelled overseas? Yes NoIn the last 6 weeks, have you travelled overseas? Yes NoIf yes, Countries visited in the last 6 weeks: In the last 21 days have you been in contact with anyone at home or abroad, who may be suffering from a food-borne disease? Yes No Your information will remain confidential and is only used to assess your health risk to our operations.Date Signature Sign Here Management Action Taken: Last Update: 22/03/2020 Version: 2 Authorised: Troy MarlandUncontrolled if printed. Please check current status against document registerSubmit Form