Employee induction documents - Checklist Employee Name Date of Induction Trainer Name As part of the new employee Induction, I as the Trainer have gone through the following items with the new employee. Items that have not been completed, will not bemarked with the Trainer Initials.Employee Details Form Employee Agreement Form Piece Workers Agreement Tax File Form Fair Work Statement Superannuation Form Declaration of Pre-existing Injury Form Food Handlers Declaration Emergency Evacuation Procedure Employee Handbook reviewed and signed by employee. ITEMS COVERED ARE - Absenteeism Breaks Confidentially Dress Code Food Lockers Mobile Phones and Social Media Payroll - Clocking in and out Personal Property Smoke Free Workplace Safe Operating Procedures (SOP) Workplace Health and Safety Policy Anti-Discrimination Policy Company Issued Clothing and PPE Counselling and Disciplinary Policy Drug and Alcohol Policy Fire and Emergency Management First Aid Forklifts Hazard Chemicals Health and Hygiene Standards including Personal Health & Hygiene Policy Incident Reporting Manual Handling Return to Work Safety Committee Traffic Management Workplace Bullying and Harassment I acknowledge the abovementioned items have been given to me to read and/or complete and I understand the contents of each item and agree to uphold all the standards contained within.Signature Sign Here Date Submit Form