Our company values a good work ethic, reliability and people who are driven to grow and develop their skills. Developing our talent is one of our core priorities and we have a range of roles filled recently including some electrical apprentices, a trainee supervisor, a groundman and assist grower.

So lets ask them a few questions:

What made you choose Marland mushrooms?

“For me it was the opportunity to develop more skills, it is close to home and the team support each other” – Jaunita
“I have developed a keen interest in growing and agriculture so the opportunity to join the Growing team was exciting for me. I have a massive responsibility, enjoy great support and training and I am working in my field that I am passionate about” – Madson
“I just felt comfortable from the interview process to my first day and I have now been here for three months, it is one big happy family. We all work hard, we support each other and the rosters really suit me. I feel part of something” – Mary

What is the best thing about working at Marland Mushrooms?

“I like the people, the team is awesome, the managers are approachable and really supportive and its not out in the heat” – Lachlan
“the flexibility of the roster really suits me, they are happy to work with me and my childcare commitments, not many businesses really do that” – Jan
“they let us be on the website, we were included and that makes us feel appreciated” – Sim

Would you recommend Marland mushrooms to your friends?

“Maybe not my friends, as I wouldn’t get too much work done working with them, but for anyone who wants to work hard, and be part of a great team and get heaps of experience for sure!” – Nathan
“I started at the entry level and have developed into a vital member of the growing team – I owe it all to Marland, Troy and his team are awesome” – Ye Lwin